
Some Of Our Top Clients With Their Valuable Comments

FST (Foreign Shipment Tool)

FST is an automated solution for the foreign shipment Process (PO to Payment). We worked to integrate with GP global tools and include Bank, Insurance & C&F companies with extended modules to ensure more efficient management & control of total value chain. We develop new insights in order to enable more effective management and control of the entire shipment process.

“This project was incredibly well done!” –GP Comment 

SRT (Service Receiving Tool)

SRT is an automation process for online bill submission and approval management systems for GP local vendors. This approval management is web based on a GP network and reduces the risks of hard drive failure, fire, flood or burglary. This web application can accessible important files away from the office.

“You have a keen eye for detail and organization.” -GP Comment 

edotco Digital- Auction Automation Tool

The Agile methodology helps us to deploy well built software fast and make quick changes easily. This progress consists of 1-4 week duration resulting in an evolved version of software delivered each time. After every duration we get real client feedback that gives the decision on the next development steps.

“Well done A’qa team, impressive work! ” -edotco Digital

edotco Digital- OSS (Payment Automation Tool)

This is an automation tool to manage the full auction process for scrap and hardware material integrated with external vendor’s engagement. This workflow increases business mobility faster.

“We can’t wait to work with you on future projects.”-edotco Digital

edotco Digital- Key & Site Access Management

This is an automation tool to manage full payment process from service receiving approval to bank payment integrated with external vendor’s engagement.

“Well done A’qa team, impressive work!” -edotco Digital

Stock Market Portal

This is covering the whole site key inventory management and site access management solution. This system controlling the unauthorized access in any site and logging the access event. Fully automated for unauthorized door alarm by SMS, IVR Call and email. This system has a full featured mobile app to handle any kind of request covering in the web application.

“We’re fortunate to have someone like you on our team.”-Royal Capital